Info for staff

The Transversal Management Unit of the Barcelona Industrial Engineering Area (UTGAEIB) provides administrative support to the Department's headquarters as well as to the academic staff assigned to the ETSEIB. The staff assigned to other centres receive support from the UTGs of their centres or campuses. In the following table you will find useful contact details to apply for these services:


Section                           Name                                                                                                    Phone number     Area                                                                                                                 







Headquarters and ETSEIB

Ana Belén Cortinas Abad 93 401 60 48   Department and Institute Support Area - UTGAEIB
Ivette García Manuel 93 401 60 47 Department and Institute Support Area - UTGAEIB
Ester Yoldi Ballarín  93 405 46 87 Research Management and TRR Support Area- UTGAEIB
Luisa Vicente Rodríguez 93 401 65 84 ICT Support Area - UTGAEIB
Núria Góngora Mòra 93 401 65 86 Doctoral Studies Management Support Area - UTGAEIB
Isabel Traguany Economic Management
Reserva de Recursos






Montserrat Cornet 93 413 77 79 Head of the UTG's USDI Area
Dolors Castell 93 401 16 59
Roberto Molina 93 413 74 61 ICT Support
Antonio Fernández 93 413 74 63 ICT Support


ICT Support

















Carme Ventura (Baix Llobregat) Economic Management
Maria Gurmesinda Rodriguez de la Peña (Baix Llobregat) Economic Management
Mercè Gironès (Baix Llobregat) Institutional Support
Montse Calero (Baix Llobregat) Institutional Support
Marta Carbonell (FIB) Economic Management
Marta Herranz Moral (ETSETB) Economic Management
Elena Esteve Barredo 93 401 70 38 Administrative Support
Toni Font (CN) ICT Support
Carlos Loscos (Baix Llobregat) ICT Support
Tickets (Baix Llobregat) ICT Support
Armando Martin Lopez (ETSETB) ICT Support
Juan Paz Sanchez (ETSETB) ICT Support
DELL Laptop Reservation
HP Laptop Reservation
2020 HP Laptop Reservation
Lenovo Laptop Reservation






Andreu Quesada Gómez 93 739 82 90 Institutional Support
Isabel de Pera  Economic Management
Alicia Larraneta Custodio Economic Management
Tickets ICT Support
Gemma Baldrís (FOOT) ICT Support
Andrés Arco (FOOT) ICT Support



Susana Morente 93 401 62 52 Area of Departmental Support and Specific Projects - UTGAEB
Tickets (EPSEB) ICT Support




Marian Sanchez Jose Economic Management
Montserrat Mestres Romeu Economic Management
Tickets ICT Support





UTG Campus de Manresa 93 877 72 28 Area of Support for Research, PDI Activity and Economic Management
Imma Betoret Institutional Support
Llucia Rexach Institutional Support
Montserrat Guitart Economic Management
Tickets 93 877 72 22  EPSEM ICT Services Area

Sections Intranet