Business Services
Projects and consulting
Our areas of specialisation are as follows:
- Management and business management: Talent management, development of management skills. Occupational risks in the building and architecture sector.Business Analytics, predictive and prescriptive models of consumer and worker behaviour.Digital Marketing and Digital Strategy.
- Industrial Organisation: Flexible production, lean management, productivity, mass customisation, continuous improvement. Production planning and organisation of working time. Programming of operations. Strategic capacity planning/assessment. Supply Chain design and management. Transport and distribution logistics (urban, port, reverse and green).

We offer training in our areas of specialisation, both tailor-made, specifically designed to meet the specific needs of our clients, and postgraduate and master's degrees to complement the training of professionals with maximum guarantees for the future. Consult the variety of the existing offer...
Industrial PhD
Programme for the incorporation of young research talent in training, co-financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Through this programme, companies obtain the following benefits:
Saving an important part of the costs (co-financing).
It allows a R+D+I project to be carried out and contributes to boosting innovation.
The doctoral candidate acts as a vehicle for the transfer of technology and knowledge with the University.
Outstanding projects

Lego® Serious Play® workshop to improve the quality of scientific research. It was carried out within the framework of the Master in Advanced Research in Business Administration and Management at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.
Redesign of production processes and change of organisational culture. Collaborative projects consist of the application of process engineering according to the needs of each company. The results help to reduce costs, increase productivity and speed up the delivery of products and services. Comissioned by Festo Automation S.A.U.

University training common to the EU in the building sector, to obtain international mobility through the Col·legi d'Arquitectes Tècnics de Barcelona.

Analysis of big data business models for the connected car. Identification and analysis of the possible agents and business models for exploiting the big data generated by the connected car in the Smart City sector for a company in the automotive sector.

Study, design and proposal for the implementation of a purchasing centre for an association of small stationers (a sector dominated by large supermarkets). Supply and distribution strategies are proposed, designing a new logistics network based on the creation of a central purchasing centre and a central warehouse from which to distribute products.

Optimal, multi-criteria design of autonomous (micro)xarxes for the production and distribution of electricity in isolated communities, based on renewable energies, and energy planning. Work for Intermediate Technology Development Group (Peru).

Lego® Serious Play® Workshop "Strategic Plan for Internationalization of HEIs". The participants identified the key elements to internationalise their university, defined their vision in terms of internationalisation and the strategic, tactical and operational objectives. Erasmus + Capacity Building WELCOME Project

Decision support system for the programming of weekly work schedules and time allocation of the tasks to be carried out by each employee, with flexible working hours and multipurpose staff. The objective is to cover the staffing needs, in each hour and task, of an H&M store.

Evaluation of the performance and operation of an Advanced Planning and Scheduling management package, to be used in uncertain situations, for a software company.

Design and development of an algorithm for optimising the commercial routes of a large supermarket distribution company (VALORIS IBERIA, S.A.). The routes are designed and optimised for different days and their regular distribution throughout the month, in order to visit each customer a certain number of times and in each commercial cycle (monthly).